Reviews & Testimonies


“An endearing, witty and memorable performance which carries significance for us all.”
46 Minutes

“This performance is about as far away from the wooden readings of Shakespearean drama which are oh-so common in schools; this is how you get young people to fall in love with the work of the Bard.”
Twelfth Night

“The artistic framework was based on co-creation which fostered inclusivity in terms of artistic and physical expression…the project provided a turning point for participants [as they] had the opportunity to take ownership of elements of the creative process and narrative process as they were able to.”

“A superb interlocutor, drawing together threads to create a coherent whole.” Fringe TheatreFest Podcast

The dramaturg ensured seamless integration of participants voices in the devising of the material and held the team accountable to our co-creative commitment.”


“A skilled artist who masterfully sparks audiences to contemplate our world!” Zoie Golding MBE, Artistic Director of ZoieLogic Dance Theatre

“A wonderful theatre maker”
Mark Ashmore, White Hippos